

Ingredients: (SERVES 6)

200g Cavolo Nero / Greens

100g Petit Pois (frozen work great)200g

Sugar Snaps 

1x Red Onion 

2x Garlic Cloves

Handful Chopped Mint

Handful Chopped Parsley




Olive Oil

This recipe is very subjective to personal taste and preference. But as long as you loosely follow similar principles then your greens should be just as good as any other part of your roast.

I follow the rule that means you take just as much care over your veg as you do on your meat or roast potatoes. Give them some love and they will give you some loving back.

You can substitute any of the above veg in or out if there is something you prefer, as well as quantities. Make it your own.


STEP 1: Start by melting a good knob of butter and a glug of olive oil in a large frying pan on a medium heat. Add the sliced red onion and sliced garlic into the pan and begin to sweat them off. 

STEP 2: Once softened add in the sugar snaps and cook for a few minutes, then add in whatever greens you are using. Let the veg begin to soften then add in the peas. With the peas, add in another knob of butter and a splash of water. The water and butter will begin to emulsify and stick to the veg.

STEP 3: When the peas are cooked and the butter emulsion has reduced, season generously with salt and pepper and chuck in the chopped herbs. Take off the heat, mix well and serve. 

A squeeze of lemon juice is a lovely addition to this. As well as adding any nuts and seeds - hazelnuts work great as well as pumpkin seeds.